Model Binding with File Uploads using ASP.NET Core Action Method Parameter Attributes
Started with a simple task: Upload a file to an ASP.NET Core API Controller. The project I’m working on uses a front-end SPA framework, so the file upload is coming from javascript and not directly from an html form post.
First lets look at what I was doing wrong and then we can understand why it was wrong.
A quick peek at the client side code that pushes this data to the controller (note this is actually typescript):
// note photoFiles is bound to via Aurelia binding.
var form = new FormData() for (let i = 0; i < this.photoFiles.length; i++) {
form.append(`files[${i}]`, this.photoFiles[i]);
this.http.fetch(`/api/photoUpload/${this.targetId}`, {
method: 'post',
body: form,
headers: new Headers()
.then(response => { console.log(response); });
Since we’re loading our ‘FormData’ object into the ‘body’ of the http post, it made sense to me to wire up the ASP.NET Controller Action as follows:
public async Task photoUpload(
[FromRoute] Guid propertyId,
[FromBody] IEnumerable files)
foreach (var file in files)
var name = file.Name;
return new ObjectResult(null);
This would result an an HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type response, before the action code ever executed.
It turns out [FromBody]
actually kicks ASP.NET Core into JSON Model Binder mode; which obviously cannot handle the file data that is coming through. More information on Model Binding can be found here on Andrew Lock’s blog.
Easy enough; lets drop the [FromBody]
attribute since its clearly not helping. Without going through the code again, the method is executed; however the files parameter has a count of zero.
At this point, I’ve been searching around enough to have seen a few blog posts that suggest forgoing the Model Binding and simply use the built in
var form = await Request.ReadFormAsync();
var files = form.Files;
method. I try this and it does in fact work. I see my uploaded files. Some folks would stop here with a working solution, but I like to know why something I expected to work didn’t. If the data is coming through, it should work as an action parameter as well as directly reading from the form.
Enter the [FromForm]
attribute, useful in cases when you want to bind to a specific form field. Modify the above code to use [FromForm]
on the IEnumerable<IFormFile>
parameter from our action:
public async Task photoUpload(
[FromRoute] Guid propertyId,
[FromForm] IEnumerable files
and wait, why isn’t that working? Still getting an empty IEnumerable when the method executes. No Http 415 though, so at least its not a regression.
I went back and compared the ACTUAL http post data that was sent and compared it with a direct form post from a