Really useful Nuget packages - FastMember. Convert a generic list to a DbDataReader on the quick.

Utilizing .NET Core has been a pretty great experience. There have been a few gotchas with APIs not being available in the base package. I was really stoked to see that the SqlBulkCopy classes are part of .NET Core. I was less thrilled to note that DataTable is there in .NET Core 1.0 but just an empty non-usable class.

That means converting from a generic IEnumerable<T> to a DataTable/Set is not an option.

Enter DbDataReader: another way to utilize BulkCopy.

If you have an IDataReader instance, the BulkCopy WriteToServer method has an overload to cover that; however, I'm an ORM to pull in some data form various sources so I basically have List<T>s, not IDataReaders. Searching the web it's pretty difficult to find a generic way to convert from a generic collection to a IDataReader. Much harder than it should be.

Enter FastMember: Convert an IEnumerable<T> to a DbDataReader, fast!

This great package makes the process easy and extremely fast. Basic demo shows how simple this package makes things.

using (SqlBulkCopy bulkcopy = new SqlBulkCopy(connection)
    using (var reader = ObjectReader.Create(toInsert))